* Case

Note: Created with the help of Bard + ChatGPT on 2023-12-30.
name rules examples usage
1. Camel Case (lowerCamelCase) Starts with a lowercase letter. Subsequent words are capitalized, without spaces or separators firstName, calculateArea, isRunning variables, functions, methods in many languages (Java, Python, JavaScript, etc.)
2. Pascal Case (UpperCamelCase) All words are capitalized, without spaces or separators FullName, CalculateArea, IsRunning class names, modules, namespaces in languages like Java, C#, Python, and others
3. Snake Case (snake_case) All letters are lowercase. Words are separated by underscores (_). first_name, calculate_area, is_running variables, functions in languages like Python, Ruby, C++, and for file paths and URLs
4. Kebab Case (kebab-case) All letters are lowercase. Words are separated by hyphens (-). first-name, calculate-area, is-running command-line arguments, file names, and URLs
5. Macro Case (MACRO_CASE) All letters are uppercase. Words are separated by underscores (_). FIRST_NAME, CALCULATE_AREA, IS_RUNNING constants, macros, and environment variables
6. Train Case (Train-Case) Words are capitalized, separated by hyphens (-) First-Name, Calculate-Area, Is-Running also known as HTTP-Header-Case, file names, URLs